Big Savings With CT Recycling Rebates

Sometimes, saving money is more than just shopping for the cheapest electricity rates. That’s because being smart about how you use energy can help you save on your electric bills. For example, you could find big long-term savings if you replace your old appliances with new energy efficient models. But that’s not always easy or affordable. But, as it turns out, CT utilities do offer great rebate incentives for your old machines. And they are worth checking out! So let’s talk about appliance recycling rebates in CT!
Why Use CT Appliance Recycling?
First off, how do you know when it’s the right time to replace and recycle your appliances?
Generally speaking, any equipment that’s at least 10-15 years old can be replaced. That’s because technology is always improving and newer machines are much better at saving energy. In fact, an energy-efficient refrigerator is 15% more energy efficient than one that a minimum standard unit. So imagine how much you could save if you upgrade your home water heating and lighting as well. Especially since these make up nearly 30% of annual home energy use.
Discover CT Recycling Rebates
But how do you find these rebates?
It’s to find rebates through the Energy Star rebate finder. Just input your zip code and you’ll get a list of current rebate offers in your area. For instance, CT customers installing energy efficient central AC can get tax credits of up to 30% of the project cost (up to $600). On top of that, the rebate finder also displays utility rebate offers. For instance, Eversource is offering up to $85 rebates to install smart thermostats. Best of all, many of these offers are available until 2032. This means you have plenty of time to plan ahead!
You should also check out the Energize CT website for more rebate offers. This website has tons of rebates for commercial and residential equipment. This includes $40 incentives for purchasing residential advanced power strips for electrical customers.
Finally, we recommend calling your utility. Eversource and UI often has rebate offers to help you improve energy efficiency. And the money you could get back can offset high electricity bills.
Can Recycling Appliance Rebates Save Money?
It’s hard to deny that replacing your appliances can be expensive. Especially with larger projects like updating your HVAC systems. But CT has plenty of rebate offers that could cut down your taxes, offset upfront costs, or give you some extra spending cash. More importantly, upgrading your appliances saves money in the long term. So rebates are always worth checking out!
As always you can shop for great plans and find ways to save money on lower electricity rates at Plus remember to come back here for the news that affects your CT electricity bills.